Monday, September 20, 2010

LOVEFIELD ( Short Film by Mathieu Ratthe)

Lovefield is about a young woman who is driving and suddenly her water brakes. A farmer on his tractor spots her and begins to help. He uses a knife to cut the umbilical cord, and finds towels from the trunk of her car. After the baby is born the police arrive.

At first there is an eery atmosphere, the dull sky, gloomy looking corn in the fields, the screeching sign and the squarking crow are conventional features of horror films. The close up of a dirty bloody foot with, the persons belongings surrounding it sets the tone.

When the knife is stabbed in to the earth, you immediately think that the person has been murdered. Meanwhile in the background non diegetic music which creates a mysterious, and threatening atmosphere increases the suspisions.

The close ups and quick cuts do not give the audience time to analyse the film closer. The wide shot of the farmer shows us the location. A farmer is a key ingredient in horror films and is used by many, this further ignites the audiences suspisions.

The POV used from the back of the car makes it seem like another person is trapped in the car but it is actually just another angle from which we see him.

Suddenly the picture becomes brighter and the colour more vibrant, the corn reflects the sunlight like a mirror which reflects the magnificent thing that has just happened birth.

Before the baby is held by the farmer there is a bit of silence followed by a fade in of sweet, pure elegant music.

This short film uses conventions and opposites to confuse the audience. As the audience is familiar with genre conventions they immediately think its a horror film.

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