Saturday, October 9, 2010

Inventory - Short Film

One thing that i liked about this short film was the way tension is created and how simple it was. There was only two actors in this experimental film and the storyline is very basic, it is simply about a homeless man who tries to sell jewellery to a woman. The twist to this film is that the jewellery he gets is from the people he asks.

The location used is very conventional of thriller films, a dark alleway which is secluded. The eery music which starts playing even before the film starts emphasizes the idea of mystery and makes the audience immediately think something bad is going to happen.

The camerawork used is quite simple aswell, throughout the dialogue over the shoulder shots are used. When the woman is running away a handheld camera is used to show the emotion of the woman and how she is worried for her life.

The techniques used in the scene where the woman is being followed is the style that I think I should include in my film and use a similar location, mise en scene etc. to create tension and get the audience engaged.

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