Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lucky Short Film - Director Nash Edgerton

This fast paced short action movie,was written, directed and performed by Nash Edgerton. It is a very interesting film because their is no speech or music in it at all. The sounds are all diegetic which engages the audience and gives it a realistic feel to it.

The narrative of this short film is very simple and follows Todorov's theory. The beginning is where the man in the trunk of a car, the close up shots of his bound hands and feet show the situation he is in. These shots build suspense and create mystery. The middle is when he escapes from the back otherwise known as the point of attack or inciting incident. At this point he realizes that there is no-one driving the stereotypical red American saloon. He then jumps on top of the car where the camera arcs around the car. The camera is mainly hand-held and there is lots of movement in the shots. The ending which is when he finally gets in the car and stops it is when the camera become steady and focuses on him, this happens to try and reassure the audience that the danger is over but in fact when watching it you know that there is a twist to it.

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