Monday, April 4, 2011

Audience Feedback

To get audience feedback of are film we gathered a group or about 20 aged 17 - 28 and created a questionnaire with various types of questions for them to fill out. The version of the film wasn't completely finished but it gave us input into what finishing touches we needed for the film.
Above is one of the questionnaires filled out.

Quotes from feedback:

  • Music made everything feel depressing.
  • Real day shouldn't have so much music.
  • Backing track doesnt work in real day.
  • Dream sequence needs a blur effect.
  • Dream confusing, needs filter maybe a ripple effect.
  • Birds tweeting when he wakes up, will heighten sense of reality.
  • Music had a big effect on it.
  • Music is like wallpaper over the film.
  • Dialogue is too low.
  • Music dominates.
  • Lost humour by using music.
  • Dry humour, cynical type of humour.
All the feedback was very similar and was mostly about superficial things which could easily be changed which was a good thing.

Magazine Article

After lots of research & planning this is the final product. To create our article we used InDesign which was simple to use. Franklin Peacock took charge of the article with various input from the rest of the group.

Magazine Article Research

For the magazine article we researched film magazines such as 'Sight & Sound' and 'Empire'. We looked at the layout, context, fonts and colour schemes used. We then disgussed each element and created an article that we thought would represent our film.