Monday, April 4, 2011

Audience Feedback

To get audience feedback of are film we gathered a group or about 20 aged 17 - 28 and created a questionnaire with various types of questions for them to fill out. The version of the film wasn't completely finished but it gave us input into what finishing touches we needed for the film.
Above is one of the questionnaires filled out.

Quotes from feedback:

  • Music made everything feel depressing.
  • Real day shouldn't have so much music.
  • Backing track doesnt work in real day.
  • Dream sequence needs a blur effect.
  • Dream confusing, needs filter maybe a ripple effect.
  • Birds tweeting when he wakes up, will heighten sense of reality.
  • Music had a big effect on it.
  • Music is like wallpaper over the film.
  • Dialogue is too low.
  • Music dominates.
  • Lost humour by using music.
  • Dry humour, cynical type of humour.
All the feedback was very similar and was mostly about superficial things which could easily be changed which was a good thing.

Magazine Article

After lots of research & planning this is the final product. To create our article we used InDesign which was simple to use. Franklin Peacock took charge of the article with various input from the rest of the group.

Magazine Article Research

For the magazine article we researched film magazines such as 'Sight & Sound' and 'Empire'. We looked at the layout, context, fonts and colour schemes used. We then disgussed each element and created an article that we thought would represent our film.

Final Cut Pro

Final Cut Pro is used to edit footage used to created films, music videos, adverts...mainly anything that uses video. It is simple to use an easy to get hold of. It is uses the same methods that were used to edit films before computer were made, cutting the footage where you choose and moving it around.
Above is a snapshot of what it looks like.
Charley Lebetking took charge of the film editing with various input from the rest of the group.

SoundTrack Pro

Soundtrack Pro is a sound editing software which we used to edit the sound in our film. It is quite a simple piece of software to use.
Above is a snapshot of what it looks like.
Charley Lebetkin and I took charge of the sound, as we both have experience in music, we have both composed lots of songs and are both performers.

Logic Pro

Logic Pro was used to create the songs we covered for our film, as we were not allowed to use copyrighted material covering the songs was a possible and simple option.
Above are the original versions of the two songs we covered.

Call sheet and Week shooting plan

The call sheet and week shooting plan were also created using Celtx and it is simply another method of organising our group so we could keep to our schedule and deadline.

Filming Schedule

This is the schedule of filming, it was made using Celtx and it shows us the times and dates that each scene is going to be filmed. It also shows the order, who is needed and where it will be filmed.

Planning & Scheduling

As media wasnt the only subject that we were taking our schedule had to be planned. We all had lessons at different times on different days. Filming was the main part of our media coursework and it was one of the parts that had to be done in our own time. When creating our schedule we had to find times that as a group we could film without missing too many of our other lessons.

Poster: Final Product

This is the poster we created, after a lot of brainstorming, audience feedback and hardwork we feel that we created a fun, professional poster. Ed Bullock took charge of the poster with various input from the rest of the group.

Poster: First and second draft

The poster was quite a short process, firstly we brainstormed ideas and talk about the look we wanted. After researching conventional poster of our chosen genre we found many similarities and elements that we wanted to include, such as the colour schemes, fonts and pictures used.
We then drew a rough sketch of the layout and style we wanted. After that we drew a more detailed version with some changes. The next step was taking it too photoshop and taking photos of the image.

Locations: Dicks house and bedroom

The location we chose to shoot our film, was planned and researched locations so that it represented Dick in the way we wanted to. Unfortunately due to problems with time and filming issues we had to use one location to film the house and bedroom. In the end it worked out well but we would have preffered to use the original locations chosen.

Character: Research

To create our character we had to research conventional characters used in our chosen genre.
These two characters are from different TV shows, on the left is from 'Skins' and the right is from 'The Inbetweeners'. By following the conventions for this type of character we have ensured that the audience will understand the type of film we are creating.

Character: Detailed information about the character of Dick

When creating a characters image and personality you also have to create all the information that surrounds such as traits, habbits, likes & dislikes and so on. By using Celtx this was easy and quick. Above is a detailed description of Dick.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


These are the two cameras we are using to shoot our film. They both have HD video and microphones built-in.

1. Kodak EASYSHARE Z981

2. Canon EOS 550D

Poster Research

These are some of the posters that my group researched. We decided that the best way of creating are own poster was by looking at the conventions for each genre. As are film is a teen comedy, we looked at comedies in general, teen dramas and teen comedies. We have designed poster with the conventions used in mind e.g font, colour, style and the images used.